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Showing events on June 4, 2018

  1. Working with Transgender Youth & Families

    June 4, 2018 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    Join the DEI Office, TBLG Matters, and SSW LEO Lecturer, Susan Radzilowski, to discuss the importance of working with younger prepubescent transgender children and parents to provide support and guidance. We will look at the lack of information and support for families of transgender and non-conforming youth and how that adversely impacts both children and families. We will be exploring and understanding gender expressions and how it may differ from gender identity, the impact of gender-affirming care on positive mental health outcomes, and the importance of hormone blockers to prevent children from undergoing the wrong puberty. Lunch will be provided.



    A Mother's Day Reflection

    The Shrine

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