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Showing events on April 4, 2018

  1. Why on this night?: A Passover and Social Justice Discussion Why on this night?: A Passover and Social Justice Discussion

    April 4, 2018 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET

    Why on this night?: A Passover and Social Justice Discussion

    Please join the Jewish Communal Leadership Program for a Passover-inspired evening of questions about social justice. Each year, we come together on Passover to remember our story of liberation. This year, Passover falls on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s Assassination. Join the Jewish Communal Leadership Program as we remember Dr. King’s legacy and explore how the Passover seder can guide us in navigating questions of social justice, both here at the SSW and in our larger global community.


    WHERE: The School of Social Work, Educational Conference Center -Room 1840

    WHO: Anyone who is interested in social justice.

    Kosher for Passover style food will be served.

    Questions? Email Paige at [email protected]

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