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Showing events starting from March 1, 2018 up to March 31, 2018

  1. Self-Care: Transcend the Slogan Self-Care: Transcend the Slogan

    March 28, 2018 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET

    A CASC Talk on Self Care and Mindfullness

    Audre Lorde stated, "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation," yet manifesting this intention can be challenging, especially if you're in a helping profession or work in social change! This workshop will help you identify what caring for yourself looks like and provide tools for doing so, including yoga, mindfulness, and wellness planning. Please bring a journal and anything else you need to feel grounded and cozy.

    Hosted by UM Social Work Alum, Raina LaGrand., MPH, MSW

    Raina is a certified yoga teacher, wellness educator, and clinical social worker. She is passionate about holding space for folks to safely and courageously (re)connect with themselves and actualize their dreams and desires. Her approach is intersectional and trauma-informed in that she works to support integration of experiences into a narrative that exposes meaning and resiliency.

    RSVP here »

  2. Human Trafficking for Social Workers and Service Providers

    March 30, 2018 - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET

    In this workshop, social workers and other service providers will gain an understanding what human trafficking is and how they can help victims of human trafficking that they encounter in their field of practice, with a particular emphasis on healthcare settings. We will explore the root causes of human trafficking, and our role in perpetuating and combating the underlying causes. We will take a critical perspective on what it means to help a victim of trafficking, as well-intentioned interventions can unwittingly cause the individual's arrest or deportation. Further, we will examine guiding principles for successful engagement with this population, including trauma-informed care, cultural awareness, and harm reduction. Finally, we will hear about local resources that providers can use if they suspect a client is a victim of human trafficking.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  3. Building Power: Organizing Effectively Against White Supremacy

    March 31, 2018 - 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM ET

    Come join the University of Michigan School of Social for Building Power: Organizing Effectively Against White Supremacy. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from action-driven leaders in social justice, participate in small and large group discussions, and develop action plans for adopting social justice lifestyles. There will be two tracks for conference workshops. The Community Organizing Track will be for individuals who want to develop a deeper understanding of privilege, oppression, and intercultural issues and leave with tangible skills, including skills surrounding direct action strategies. The Individual Leadership Track will be for people who do not identify as community organizers, but want foundational skills and information to combat white supremacy every day and within their chosen professions. More information about the day’s schedule and speakers, form may be found at: (website will continue to be updated).

    Accessibility: The conference will be in the basement and first floor in the School of Social Work. The building is wheelchair accessible, and includes an elevator. There are options for gendered and non-gendered bathrooms. For any other questions re: accessibility, please feel free to email [email protected]. This event is free and open to all members of the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti community, along with students from across the University of Michigan campus.

March 2018

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