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Showing events on February 9, 2018

  1. Bi-Annual Field Instructor Course

    February 9, 2018 - 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM ET


    This event has been cancelled due to weather.

    A bi-annual workshop designed to train and update field instructors on field related curriculum.

  2. Conversations with Parents about Discipline

    February 9, 2018 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    In this mini-course we will examine the role of discipline and punishment in childrearing, address research on the effectiveness of wide range of parental disciplinary approaches, and examine evidence-based parenting interventions, and their recommendations and approaches to child discipline. The course content will be embedded within a child development framework that considers the child's age and development stage, in conjunction with family- and community-level factors. We will discuss how cultural norms and beliefs may influence parents' discipline choices and how social workers can best dialogue with parents help them achieve their parenting aims. This mini-course will address micro- and macro- social work issues.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  3. Conversations with Parents about Discipline

    February 9, 2018 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    In this mini-course we will examine the role of discipline and punishment in childrearing, address research on the effectiveness of wide range of parental disciplinary approaches, and examine evidence-based parenting interventions, and their recommendations and approaches to child discipline. The course content will be embedded within a child development framework that considers the child's age and development stage, in conjunction with family- and community-level factors. We will discuss how cultural norms and beliefs may influence parents' discipline choices and how social workers can best dialogue with parents help them achieve their parenting aims. This mini-course will address micro- and macro- social work issues.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  4. CASC Alumni Panel

    February 9, 2018 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    The following event will feature voices from the CASC Minor alumni community. Speakers will share their experience applying community action and social change concepts and frameworks as postgraduates exploring diverse fields of practice, graduate education, and other exciting opportunities and experiences. **Lunch Provided**



  5. Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality: How Hitting Children Hurts Black Families and Communities

    February 9, 2018 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    This event will feature a presentation titled, "How hitting children hurts black families and communities" by Stacey Patton, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Global Journalism & Communication, Morgan State University.

    Free CEUs are available.

    RSVP here »

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