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Showing events on February 8, 2018

  1. Social Work and Media: Crafting Stories for Impact (Webinar)

    February 8, 2018 - 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM ET


    In today's social and historical context, media and social media are powerful tools that are often disregarded by those who work towards social justice due to the negativity that seems to surround them. However, social workers need to master how to use the media and social media in order to counteract negativity and stereotypes, as well as create positive narratives to portray the people that we represent and advocate for.

    This workshop will outline best practices in different media forms. It will also address how to craft stories and narratives that can counteract stereotypes and more accurately reflect the voices and lives of the clients and individuals a social worker may be representing in their media interactions. Participants will discuss the intersectionality of social justice and social media and how to use our voices ethically without getting lost in the negativity that media generally represents.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  2. 4th Annual W.M. Trotter Lecture My Life. My Story! Centering the Voices of Trans Lives.

    February 8, 2018 - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM ET

    The W.M. Trotter Multicultural Center is honored to be centering the voices of transgender and non-binary individuals at our 4th Annual W.M. Trotter Lecture, with a particular focus on the intersecting identities of gender and race. We are beyond thrilled to welcome to the University of Michigan, speakers Janet Mock, author of Redefining Realness, Surpassing Certainty, and King Amiyah Scott of Fox Network’s STAR. Current and former students and staff from the University of Michigan will also contribute to this phenomenal event! We aim to hold a space in which the personal narratives and lives of trans folks can be shared, celebrated, and honored.

    Previous lectures include The Black Male Athlete; Who is He and What is He to You in 2016, which was held in the Ross Auditorium, celebrating Student Leaders in 2015; as well as, the 2014 Inaugural W.M. Trotter Lecture that featured activist, poet, and educator Cheryl Clarke.

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