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Showing events starting from January 1, 2018 up to January 31, 2018

  1. SSW Faculty Retreat

    January 19, 2018 - 9:00 AM ET

  2. Adventure/Experiential-Based Therapy

    January 19, 2018 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    This class will focus on the use of adventure-based activities in therapy with individuals, groups and families. Students will be introduced to adventure through readings, discussions, guest speakers and experiences. This one credit mini-course is designed to provide the student with a theoretical, philosophical and experiential understanding of adventure and experiential learning and its application to therapy. Course content includes the theoretical and philosophical foundations of adventure based practice, a discourse on the safe and appropriate use of adventure activities with different client groups, a demonstration on facilitating adventure activities, and use of adventure activities in assessment and intervention.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  3. Celebrate People's History

    January 19, 2018 - 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    Celebrate People’s History
    Curated by Josh MacPhee
    Exhibition Dates: January 19 - February 25, 2018

    The Celebrate People’s History (CPH) posters are rooted in the do-it-yourself tradition of mass-produced and distributed political propaganda. They are detourned to embody principles of democracy, inclusion, and group participation in the writing and interpretation of history. In dark times, it’s rare that a political poster is celebratory, and when it is, it almost always focuses on a small canon of male individuals: MLK, Ghandi, Che, or Mandela. Rather than create another exclusive set of heroes, curator Josh MacPhee decided to generate a diverse set of posters that bring to life successful moments in the history of social justice struggles. To that end, MacPhee asked artists and designers to find events, groups, and people who have moved the collective struggle of humanity forward in order to create a more equitable and just world. The resulting posters tell stories from the subjective position of the artists, and are often the stories of underdogs, those written out of history. The goal of the project is not to tell a definitive history, but to suggest a new relationship to the past.

    Today the CPH posters grace the walls of dorm rooms, apartments, community centers, classrooms, and city streets. 115 different designs have been printed in the past 20 years, adding up to over 300,000 total posters. Although MacPhee has organized and funded the posters himself, they have always been a collective project. Over one hundred artists and writers have created posters, multiple printshops have done the printing, dozens of people have run around at night pasting them on the street, and thousands have helped distribute them around the world.

    The Celebrate People’s History Poster Series has been organized and curated by Josh MacPhee since 1998.

  4. Understanding Diversity and Social Justice through Dialogue

    January 20, 2018 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    This course is designed to increase students' awareness, knowledge, and understanding of issues related to diversity and social justice, including race, ethnicity, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, ability status, and the intersections between these social identity groups. Additionally, students will gain an understanding of dialogue as a method for peacefully resolving conflict that may emerge due to cultural misunderstandings or oppressive dynamics, as well as skills for effectively engaging in dialogue. The topics of this course include social identity development; difference and dominance and the nature of social oppression; our personal and interpersonal connections to power, privilege, and oppression; understanding and resolving conflicts or resistance; the process of dialogue and coalition building across differences; and its applications in multicultural social work settings.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  5. CASC Yoga

    January 21, 2018 - 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    Join CASC for a relaxing yoga session with certificed yoga instructor and CASC student, Carly Noah. Take of your mental and physical health with CASC. Check out our event on Facebook, too!

    RSVP here »

  6. OGA GIS Mini Drop in Session

    January 22, 2018 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    The Office of Global Activities will be having mini drop-in sessions for students completing a Global Independent Study that want additional support and information, including funding, visas, flight information and more. Drop-in sessions will be held once a month starting in January.  All are welcomed to attend.

    RSVP here »

  7. Raised Right: Fatherhood in Modern American Conservatism

    January 23, 2018 - 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM ET

    How has the modern conservative movement thrived in spite of the lack of harmony among its constituent members? What, and who, holds together its large corporate interests, small-government libertarians, social and racial traditionalists, and evangelical Christians?

    In his new book, Raised Right: Fatherhood in Modern American Conservatism (Stanford University Press, 2017), Jeffrey R. Dudas, pursues these questions through a cultural study of three iconic conservative figures: National Review editor William F. Buckley, Jr., President Ronald Reagan, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Examining their papers, writings, and rhetoric, Dudas identifies what he terms a "paternal rights discourse"—the arguments about fatherhood and rights that permeate their personal lives and political visions.

    For each, paternal discipline was crucial to producing autonomous citizens worthy and capable of self-governance. This paternalist logic is the cohesive agent for an entire conservative movement, uniting its celebration of "founding fathers," past and present, constitutional and biological. Yet this discourse produces a paradox: When do authoritative fathers transfer their rights to these well-raised citizens? This duality propels conservative politics forward with unruly results. The mythology of these American fathers gives conservatives something, and someone, to believe in—and therein lies its timeless appeal.

    Jeffrey R. Dudas is Associate Professor of Political Science and Affiliate Faculty of American Studies at the University of Connecticut. He specializes in the areas of American law, politics, and culture and focuses, in particular, on the many facets of the American politics of rights.

    Cosponsored by the Department of Sociology, Department of Women's Studies, and History Department

    Event Accessibility: Ramp and elevator access at the E. Washington Street entrance (by the loading dock). Power doors are at every accessible entrance. Gender neutral restroom on 1st floor. Questions? Contact [email protected]

    Book sales provided by Common Language Bookstore

  8. Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality (LCPI) Event with Congressman Dan Kildee and John Gallagher Learning Community on Poverty and Inequality (LCPI) Event with Congressman Dan Kildee and John Gallagher

    January 23, 2018 - 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM ET

    This event will feature presentations by Dan Kildee, U.S. Representative for Michigan's Fifth Congressional District, and John Gallagher, Detroit Free Press Business Writer, regarding the Flint water crisis, emergency management law, developments in Flint other urban areas (e.g., Detroit) impacted by lack of employment deindustrialization. Q & A will follow after the presentations.

    The even is open to the public.

    RSVP here »

  9. High Stakes Culture: What Does It Mean to Take a Knee?

    January 23, 2018 - 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM ET

    In the last few months a series of “culture wars” have been ignited across the country. Activists from all points of the political spectrum, even the President of the United States himself, are turning to beloved cultural objects to stake a claim for their differing beliefs in a politically fraught moment. Black athletes are taking a knee. Anti-immigration voters are rallying for a wall. Long-standing Confederate monuments are coming down.

    What is at stake in the ways we understand culture and cultural conflict? High Stakes Culture is a new series, presented by the Institute for the Humanities and the Humanities Collaboratory, that brings humanities perspectives to bear on current debates. Join us as we ask: How and why does culture matter so much now?

    Join the conversation as humanities scholars Angela Dillard (Afroamerican and African studies and Residential College), Matthew Countryman (history and American culture), Mark Clague (music), and Kristin Hass (American culture) tackle these questions and others you might have about high stakesculture now.

    When did sports and patriotism become so deeply linked?
    Has the flag always been viewed as sacred and purely a symbol of the armed forces?
    Where did the national anthem come from, and have people always stood when it is played?
    Who gets to decide what symbols deserve respect and what counts as a gesture of respect?

  10. Teaching Support: Drop-In Instructor Session

    January 24, 2018 - 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM ET

    This fall, the SSW is hosting a regular series of support activities around teaching. These have been designed as a result of requests from faculty. 

    Drop-in instructor sessions. These sessions may have loose topics but will be largely open for instructors to ask questions and give/gain support from peers around teaching. These sessions will be held monthly. A bluejeans call in option will be available.

    These sessions are available to all course instructors. A schedule of dates and events is below.  

    Drop in Sessions:

    9/14/2017, 4:30-5:30 pm

    10/25/2017, 8:30-9:30 am

    11/30/2017, 4:30-5:30

    1/24/2018, 8:30-9:30

    3/14/2018, 4:30-5:30

    4/18/2018, 8:30-9:30

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