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Showing events on January 25, 2018

  1. White Fragility-The New Racism, and More Effective Steps to Undoing Racism

    January 25, 2018 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Andy Horning will be speaking about White Fragility, and how a focus on our own process can lead to better more effective steps to undoing racism. A 1997 graduate of the School of Social Work, Andy Horning is a therapist in private practice in Boulder, Colorado. He is on the faculty of the Hoffman Institute, a personal growth retreat site in California and is also the founder and host of Elephant Talk, a podcast on courageous conversation in relationships. Lunch will be provided.

    RSVP Here »

  2. Trivia Night Social

    January 25, 2018 - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM ET

    The MLLC wants to host opportunities for students in the management track to meet and become a closer cohort. Not in the management track? No problem, we welcome all! This is our second annual Trivia Night and we could not be more excited! We will break everyone up into teams, and then you will battle for exciting prizes! We hope to see you all there! Also, snacks will be provided.

    RSVP Here »



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