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Showing events on December 7, 2017

  1. Stress-LESS Thursday

    December 7, 2017 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    We understand that finals are stressful. Join the DEI Office for a self-care break. Come play board games, grab a healthy snack, color, or make a wonderful stress ball companion.

  2. CASC Destress & Enrollment

    December 7, 2017 - 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM ET

    Mark your calendars for the CASC Destress and Enrollment event! Come to relax, practice self care, color, and get advice about different CASC courses and scheduling before you register for fall! CASC Staff and Student Board will be present to help answer advising and course recommendation questions.

    Refreshments will be provided.


    RSVP here. »

December 2017

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