Showing events starting from November 1, 2017 up to November 30, 2017
Change It Up! Bystander Intervention Skills
November 30, 2017 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET
Change it Up! brings bystander intervention skills to the University of Michigan community for the purpose of building inclusive, respectful, and safe communities. It is based on a nationally recognized four-stage bystander intervention model that helps individuals intervene in situations that negatively impact individuals, organizations, and the campus community.
Pre-registration is required.
Teaching Support: Drop-In Instructor Session
November 30, 2017 - 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM ET
This fall, the SSW is hosting a regular series of support activities around teaching. These have been designed as a result of requests from faculty.
Drop-in instructor sessions. These sessions may have loose topics but will be largely open for instructors to ask questions and give/gain support from peers around teaching. These sessions will be held monthly. A bluejeans call in option will be available.
These sessions are available to all course instructors. A schedule of dates and events is below.
Drop in Sessions:
World AIDS Day 2017: Progress and Prospects in HIV/AIDS
November 30, 2017 - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM ET
A panel discussion featuring K. Rivet Amico, Gary Harper, and Ryan Wade (School of Public Health), Larry Gant (Schools of Social Work and Art & Design), and Emily Shuman (Medical School)
This panel, composed of University of Michigan researchers from various schools and centers, will discuss what has worked in HIV/AIDS prevention and care in the last decade in the U.S. and beyond. Using their work as examples, the panelists will share their experience with research, advocacy, and bridging policy and practice. The panelists will also touch on the barriers to scaling up effective interventions and the role students, researchers, and educators can play in helping to end an epidemic.