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Showing events on February 3, 2017

  1. Hijabi Monologues: Halfway Hijabi

    February 3, 2017 - 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM ET

    In light of the recent escalation in hate crimes against Muslim veiled women (Hijabis) following the 2016 Presidential Election, there will be an event called “Hijabi Monologues: Halfway Hijabi.”  The event begins with a short teach-in, followed by student monologues. This is an indispensable opportunity to learn about the hijab - its history and its modernity - as well as to provide a safe space for Hijabis to share their unheard stories, poems, art, etc. with a compassionate audience.

    This is an endeavor by Muslim women to reclaim their values and their experiences. The controversy that centers around the Hijab will not fade without mutual understandings and efforts to engage in its topic, and we hope that you, your students, and your fellow colleagues can join us.

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