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Showing events on January 17, 2017

  1. Poverty Solutions U-M Discusses Action-Based Research to Fight Poverty Poverty Solutions U-M Discusses Action-Based Research to Fight Poverty

    January 17, 2017 - 1:15 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Facebook Live! #UMICHCHAT

    In October 2016, President Mark Schlissel introduced a new University of Michigan initiative to address one of humanity's most critical and seemingly intractable problems: poverty.  Called Poverty Solutions, the U-M initiative will explore and test models to ease the effects of poverty and broadly share that knowledge, while working with community groups and supporting active-learning options for students. Schlissel will be joined H. Luke Shaefer, associate professor of social work and public policy and director of Poverty Solutions, along with other U-M faculty and community partners to discuss upcoming projects the new initiative will tackle. The new projects, ranging from community health worker support to youth jobs, have the potential to impact communities throughout Michigan and the nation.

    Tune in to this live virtual panel online at

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