Showing events starting from February 1, 2016 up to February 29, 2016
Careers in Nontraditional Settings Networking Workshop
February 10, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET
Interested in understanding nontraditional settings where social workers can have impact?
Come hear from SSW alumna, Gabrielle D'Angelo about how she uses social work as a Financial Advisor for Merrill Lynch.
She will provide tips about navigating non-traditional settings and how students can think about communicating their strengths to non-traditional employers.
Lunch will be served.
Workshop | Faith and Fit in Social Work Values: Exploring Teaching Strategies
February 10, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET
This session seeks to support SSW faculty in considering and facilitating discussions regarding religion and diversity with students in the classroom. The session will explore grounding concepts from the NASW Code of Ethics and the recently revised NASW Standards and Indicators of Cultural Competency in Social Work Practice with opportunities to consider one’s own beliefs and values. Classroom facilitation and teaching strategies will be explored through discussion of relevant class examples.
ObjectivesDifferentiate concepts of religion and spirituality.
Identify 2 concepts from the NASW Code of Ethics relevant to the intersection of religion and diversity in Social Work practice.
Identify 2 concepts from the NASW Standards and Indicators of Cultural Competency in Social Work Practice (2015) relevant to the intersection of religion and diversity in Social Work practice.
Identify 1 teaching strategy to use in facilitating faith and ethics discussions in social work student education.
AgendaWith the goal of using our limited time most efficiently and effectively, we ask you to consider (4) questions in preparation for our time together. Click here to download the pre-workshop discussion/reflection guide. Please bring this guide with you to the session.
12-12:15pm: Welcome & Introduction
12:15-12:30pm: Providing Context
12:30-1:45pm: Classroom Case Examples & Discussion
1:45-2pm: Student Case Examples & Discussion
PresentersDebra Mattison, LMSW, ACSW | Shari Robinson-Lynk, LMSW, ACSW | Leigh Robertson, MA, LMSW, ACSW
Open to all SSW faculty. This session is designated as a professional development opportunity for SSW faculty only.
(2) free ethics CEUs offered to participants. (pending, subject to change)
Lunch will be served.
We look forward to your participation!
Sponsored by the Office of the Associate Dean for Educational Programs.
Job Search Techniques - Using Your Time Effectively
February 10, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET
Michelle Woods, Director of Career Services, will discuss how to plan a strategic job search. Discussion of social media will be presented.
Educational Agreement Due for Review
February 10, 2016 - 5:00 PM ET
Online Educational Agreement due to OFI for review. It is suggested you return your Educational Agreement to your Field Instructors a week prior to this due date.
#UMBlackout: Mobilizing Black Communities for Radical Transformation in the Digital Age
February 11, 2016 - 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM ET
In honor of Black History Month and co-sponsored by the UM Social Work Community Organization Learning Committee, the #UMBlackout: Mobilizing Black Communities for Radical Transformation in the Digital Age symposium invites your participation in a working session about contemporary black activist leadership for transformative change through digital forums. Through workshops, lectures, and a panel discussion, a wide variety of scholars, campus and grassroots organizers will engage in diverse reflections about the role of the internet in social change efforts through strategic mobilization. Join us in a collective discussion to advance discourse and direct action in community practice in the digital age.
Coffee Hour w/ Dr. Hagos, Dean of Social Work at University of Addis Ababa
February 11, 2016 - 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM ET
On Thursday, Feb 11th, Ashenhafi Hagos, Dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, will be visiting the SSW as part of a conference held by the Africa Studies Center on the theme "Building Community Health." An objective of the conference is to develop interests here for faculty collaboration and exchanges around social work in Ethiopia.
Below is information on Dr. Hagos' work and interests.In addition to work in urban areas, Dr. Hagos is particularly interested in rural social work since the majority of Ethiopia's population still reside in underdeveloped rural areas and in the north of the country there is a very severe drought at present. He is also interested in social work with homeless populations in urban areas who have migrated from depressed rural areas. At present in Ethiopia, the national government is providing substantial support for education and health care as national priorities. Dr. Hagos is familiar with the Univ. of Michigan, having spent a summer here attending two Survey Methodology Summer Institutes.
On the Study of Racism
February 11, 2016 - 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM ET
The Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop on Racism presents a panel discussion workshop: "On the Study of Racism".
Opening Presentation: James S. Jackson (U-M)
Closing Presentation: Philomena Essed (Antioch University)
Panel Discussion Workshop Members:
Chandra Ford (UCLA)
Tene Lewis (Emory University)
Ellis Monk (University of Chicago)
Sponsored by the Institute for Social Research, Rackham Graduate School and the Survey Research Center.
2nd Year Continuing Students Field Placement Materials Due for Fall 2016
February 11, 2016 (all day)
2nd Year Field Placement Application Form due for 2nd year 20-month students.
Students planning to stay at the same placement must still fill out this form to verify their plan with the Office of Field Instruction.
CASC Senior-Alumni Mixer
February 11, 2016 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ET
CASC seniors interested in connecting with alumni and thinking through life after graduation are welcome to attend this connections event! Get advice from CASC alumni, ask questions, or simply hangout. As always, food will be provided!
Call for Ideas
February 12, 2016 - 12:00 PM to February 15, 2016 12:00 AM ET
As part of the university-wide initiative to improve diversity, equity and inclusion, the School of Social Work is in the middle of a year-long planning process to address and improve these issues at the School within the context of our social work heritage, as expressed in our vision, mission and goals.
Student input and ideas are critical to this process and thus the SSW Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee needs to hear from YOU!
From February 3-15 MIDNIGHT we are asking students to take part in an open Call for Ideas. The goal of this Call for Ideas is to get input and feedback from SSW students related to issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in three specific areas:
What is your vision for the School of Social Work??;
What do you see are the strengths/barriers that exist?; and
What are your ideas that will help the School of Social Work get there?The Call for Ideas is open to all SSW students. We encourage students to submit individual ideas and responses, but also to meet as groups to brainstorm and generate ideas. Students can submit responses to one, two or all of the prompts. We also encourage students to be aspirational when considering possible solutions.
The SSW Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is committed to including ideas and solutions submitted through this Call for Ideas. Submitted ideas will be presented and discussed during the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion All School Meetings taking place Feb 24th and March 16th at noon in the ECC. Please plan to join these decision making meetings.
Learn more about the university-wide initiative, the SSW process, timeline, and the Diversity Committee and attend associated SSW events.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Please click on the link below found under "Event Details" for the google form (right under "Relevant Website")