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Showing events on February 23, 2016

  1. Washtenaw ID Project Solidarity Rally Washtenaw ID Project Solidarity Rally

    February 23, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    As the final event in the Washtenaw ID Project’s Solidarity in Action campaign, we are organizing a march down to the County Clerk’s Office (220 N. Main St.) for anyone who wants to support the initiative by getting their own County ID card!

    We will meet in the School of Social Work’s McGregor Commons at 12pm, and will march down to the County Clerk’s Office together

    If you’re interested in getting your own County ID card, please remember to bring the necessary documents – a cell phone or utility bill with your name, your Washtenaw County address, and a date within the past 30 days; and two identity documents, such as a state ID, driver’s license, or passport (or if you only have one of these documents, come with a friend and they can vouch for your identity!)

    A full list of eligibility criteria and additional details can be found in the link to this event – please note, you must:

    1) provide identity documents that add up to at least 300 points,

    2) have at least one identity document from column A, and

    3) be able to prove County residency.

    Please dress warmly!

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