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Showing events on February 22, 2016

  1. Distinguished Alumni Leadership Talk - Marvin Parnes

    February 22, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET

    We continue to hear how Social Work is a mobile profession, but what does that mean? 
    Marvin Parnes, a distinguished alumnus, will talk with us about the different paths you can take with your social work training that can lead to high-impact leadership roles. Marvin began his career as a clinical social worker and has served as the Associate Vice President of Research for the University of Michigan. He currently is the Managing Director of the University's renowned Institute for Social Research. 
    Mr. Parnes credits his social work training, especially in group-dynamics and innovation, in his ability to create a shared vision and lead successful organizational change.
    Come have lunch and hear how your social work skills can lead you to successful leadership roles!

    RSVP Here»

  2. Speaker Series - Our Once and Future Selves

    February 22, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    This course is open to the public and will feature student conversations with faculty.

    This speaker for this session will be Associate Professor of Social Work Shawna Lee.

  3. 21st Century Policing: Lessons from Cincinnati

    February 22, 2016 - 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM ET

    Ferguson, Cleveland, Baltimore, Chicago... Cities across America are in crisis, grappling with the need to enact meaningful reforms in the wake of a growing spotlight on the use of deadly force by police officers.

    Cincinnati, once synonymous with broken policing, has been put forward as model for reform in all of these cities and more--thanks to more than a decade of hard, sustained work by a broad array of community organizations, police leaders, federal officials, academics, and many others.

    We've convened a discussion with some of the key participants in Cincinnati's reforms. With others, they worked together to develop and implement the new approach to policing that has garnered such national attention. They'll be joined by a leader from the Detroit Police Department for reflections on what the lessons of Cincinnati might hold for communities here in Southeast Michigan and elsewhere.

    Free and open to the public. Reception to follow. The event will be live web-streamed. Please visit this page on the day of the event for viewing access information.

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