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Showing events on February 19, 2016

  1. Michigan Law Symposium on the Criminalization of Poverty

    February 19, 2016 - 10:00 AM to February 20, 2016 3:00 PM ET

    The Michigan Journal of Race & Law presents, “Innocent Until Proven Poor: Fighting the Criminalization of Poverty” Symposium.

    Day 1: Keynote: Vanita Gupta, (Asst. Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Dept. of Justice)

    Day 2: Keynote: Sarah Geraghty, (Managing Attorney, Impact Litigation, Southern Center for Human Rights)

    The symposium will bring together scholars and practitioners from multiple perspectives to explore the interaction between poverty and the criminal legal system and strategize solutions. Issues include: aggressive policing of poor neighborhoods, prosecutorial discretion, legal categorization of crimes, debtors’ prisons, excessive bail, civil asset forfeiture, court fees and fines, and collateral consequences. In addition to keynotes and panels, the symposium will engage attendees in skill-building workshops.


  2. Why Are They Angry With Us? - a book talk with Larry E. Davis Why Are They Angry With Us? - a book talk with Larry E. Davis

    February 19, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    Larry E. Davis, MA, MSW, PhD, is the dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Pittsburgh, where he is the Donald M. Henderson Professor. He is the director and founder of the Center on Race and Social Problems, which conducts applied social science research on race, ethnicity, and color.  Davis earned his MSW '73 and PhD '77 from the University of Michigan School of Social Work.  His new book, Why Are They Angry With Us? Essays on Race, addresses the unresolved questions and conflicts about race in America from both the author's personal and a professional perspective. Davis relates racial incidents, observations, and issues to explain the workings of race and racism in America; confronting taboo topics such as race and prison, immigration, and internalized racism.

    Discussants include Professor Rogerio Pinto and MSW student Danae Ross. Book will be available to purchase for $28 (cash or check) at the talk.  Lunch will be provided.

    RSVP here »

  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Anxiety Problems

    February 19, 2016 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET

    The focus of this skill-based mini course is on the concepts, theory, principles and procedures appropriate to the assessment and effective cognitive-behavioral therapy of children and adolescents with anxiety problems. The course content reflects advanced material of current relevance for effective clinical practice. Specifially, this course will provide updated training in the cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety discorders in children and youth.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  4. Water Access and Management in Communities of Color: Who Else? Who's Next? What Now?

    February 19, 2016 - 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM ET

    Join panelists from Flint, Detroit, and Muskegon Heights as they discuss issues around water access and management and the impact these issues have on communities of color.  

    Sponsored by Multi Ethnic Student Affairs (MESA) in recognition of Black History Month.

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