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Showing events on February 16, 2016

  1. Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting

    February 16, 2016 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    Organizations, institutions, and individuals are at their best when gratitude, mindfulness, positivity, and strengths are valued. A special interest group (SIG) is interested in meeting to explore ways to create a more positive, transformative, hopeful, and empowered environment for all SSW community members - students, faculty, and staff. We are interested in meeting with like-minded individuals to work toward this goal!

    Are you interested in getting involved in the SSW?

    Do you enjoy talking about the culture, climate, and narratives of the spaces you find yourself in?

    Do you appreciate strengths-based projects, initiatives, and environments?

    Do you wish to create intentional learning spaces?

    Are you interested in strengthening community within the SSW?

    Join this new special interest group at the U-M SSW! This SIG was formed in response to students, faculty, and staff voicing vibrant ideas for making the SSW a more strengths-based, resilient, compassionate, and connected space. A place where we focus on deficits AND strengths; challenging realities AND hope; ideas AND action.

    Click here to view the meeting agenda. 

    Lunch will be provided! Please RSVP so that we may have an accurate count for lunch.

    RSVP required »

    This SIG is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Services, the Office of the Associate Dean for Educational Programs, and the Leadership in Community Benefit Organizations program. 

  2. 2016 Leon and Josephine Winkelman Memorial Lecture

    February 16, 2016 - 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM ET


    How different are millennials from their grandparents in religion?  How are religious values passed down across generations in America today—if at all?  In this lecture, Professor Vern L. Bengtson will address these questions from his 35-year study of 400 multi-generation families.  His book based on this project, “Families and Faith:  How Religion Is (and Isn’t) Passed Down Across Generations” will also be discussed.

    Event is complimentary. Registration is required.

    Register Here »

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