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Showing events on February 11, 2016

  1. #UMBlackout: Mobilizing Black Communities for Radical Transformation in the Digital Age #UMBlackout: Mobilizing Black Communities for Radical Transformation in the Digital Age

    February 11, 2016 - 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    In honor of Black History Month and co-sponsored by the UM Social Work Community Organization Learning Committee, the #UMBlackout: Mobilizing Black Communities for Radical Transformation in the Digital Age symposium invites your participation in a working session about contemporary black activist leadership for transformative change through digital forums. Through workshops, lectures, and a panel discussion, a wide variety of scholars, campus and grassroots organizers will engage in diverse reflections about the role of the internet in social change efforts through strategic mobilization. Join us in a collective discussion to advance discourse and direct action in community practice in the digital age.

    RSVP here »

  2. Coffee Hour w/ Dr. Hagos, Dean of Social Work at University of Addis Ababa

    February 11, 2016 - 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM ET

    On Thursday, Feb 11th, Ashenhafi Hagos, Dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, will be visiting the SSW as part of a conference held by the Africa Studies Center on the theme "Building Community Health." An objective of the conference is to develop interests here for faculty collaboration and exchanges around social work in Ethiopia. 

    Below is information on Dr. Hagos' work and interests. 

    In addition to work in urban areas, Dr. Hagos is particularly interested in rural social work since the majority of Ethiopia's population still reside in underdeveloped rural areas and in the north of the country there is a very severe drought at present.  He is also interested in social work with homeless populations in urban areas who have migrated from depressed rural areas.  At present in Ethiopia, the national government is providing substantial support for education and health care as national priorities.  Dr. Hagos is familiar with the Univ. of Michigan, having spent a summer here attending two Survey Methodology Summer Institutes. 

    RSVP here »


  3. On the Study of Racism On the Study of Racism

    February 11, 2016 - 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM ET

    The Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop on Racism presents a panel discussion workshop: "On the Study of Racism". 

    Opening Presentation: James S. Jackson (U-M)

    Closing Presentation: Philomena Essed (Antioch University) 

    Panel Discussion Workshop Members:

    Chandra Ford (UCLA)

    Tene Lewis (Emory University) 

    Ellis Monk (University of Chicago) 

    Sponsored by the Institute for Social Research, Rackham Graduate School and the Survey Research Center. 

  4. 2nd Year Continuing Students Field Placement Materials Due for Fall 2016

    February 11, 2016 (all day)

    2nd Year Field Placement Application Form due for 2nd year 20-month students. 

    Students planning to stay at the same placement must still fill out this form to verify their plan with the Office of Field Instruction.

  5. CASC Senior-Alumni Mixer

    February 11, 2016 - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ET

    CASC seniors interested in connecting with alumni and thinking through life after graduation are welcome to attend this connections event! Get advice from CASC alumni, ask questions, or simply hangout. As always, food will be provided!

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