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Showing events on November 7, 2015

  1. Understanding Diversity and Social Justice through Dialogue

    November 7, 2015 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET

    This course is designed to increase students’ awareness, knowledge, and understanding of issues related to diversity and social justice, including race, ethnicity, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, ability status, and the intersections between these social identity groups. Additionally, students will gain an understanding of dialogue as a method for peacefully resolving conflict that may emerge due to cultural misunderstandings or oppressive dynamics, as well as skills for effectively engaging in dialogue. The topics of this course include social identity development; difference and dominance and the nature of social oppression; our personal and interpersonal connections to power, privilege, and oppression; understanding and resolving conflicts or resistance; the process of dialogue and coalition building across differences; and its applications in multicultural social work settings.

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  2. Community Leadership Summit - Equipping Leaders, Building Capacity, Accelerating Change Community Leadership Summit - Equipping Leaders, Building Capacity, Accelerating Change

    November 7, 2015 - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM ET

     Connect with leaders from across Detroit.  Link to resources and buld your network.  Learn how to maximize your impact.  Special guests include:

    Raquel Castaneda-Lopez, Councilwoman, City of Detroit

    Peter Hammer, Faculty, Wayne State University, Detroit Equity Action Lab

    Lisa Johanon, Executive Director, Central Detroit Christian CDC

    Lisa Leverette, Executive Director, Community Connections

    Jamila Martin, Community Organizer, Director of Operations, 482Forward

    Frank McGhee, Program Director, Neighborhood Service Organization

    Angie Reyes, Executive Director, Detroit Hispanic Development Corp 

    Validated parking in the Orchestra Place structure behind the U-M Detroit Center.  RSVP by calling 313-593-4132 or [email protected]


  3. The California Forums for Diversity in Graduate Education Grad. School Fair

    November 7, 2015 - 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET

    An admissions representative will attend the The California Forums for Diversity in Graduate Education Grad. School Fair to share information on U-M's MSW and PhD programs.

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