Showing events on October 13, 2015
Developing A Social Work Response to Racism, Hate Crimes, and Police Use of Force
October 13, 2015 - 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET
In response to the recent events in cities such as Ferguson, Charleston, and New York City, NASW-Michigan and Wayne State University School of Social Work have partnered to initiate a call to action for social workers to help examine personal biases and to eliminate racism and institutional barriers. In October 2015, Developing A Social Work Response to Racism, Hate Crimes, and Police Use of Force forums will be held across the state of Michigan.
Social workers are trained to be skillful and knowledgeable about creating coalitions, empowering people and communities, advocating on policy issues, and communicating with different audiences. As a profession, we must gather our strength and work even harder to end the blatant racism and hate crimes that are occurring all too often within our neighborhoods and across the United States.Participants will explore:
How bias and prejudice develop, and how they become structured into institutions and systems.
Describe how stereotypes inform our implicit biases and how implicit bias impacts our interactions.
Establish norms and learn strategies for having open and honest conversations about the content.
The forums will include an impassionate video from national social justice leader and social worker, former Congressman Ron Dellums. Following the video will be dialogues about the needs of both our community and profession. The long-term goal is to shape a call to action for social workers to examine personal biases and work at ways to eliminate racism and institutional biases.
(2) free CE’s will be offered.
Light refreshments will be provided.
College Advising Corps - Graduate School and Opportunities Fair
October 13, 2015 - 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET
An admissions representative will attend the College Advising Corps - Graduate School and Opportunities Fair to share information on U-M's MSW and PhD programs.
Seattle Idealist Grad. Fair
October 13, 2015 - 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET
Stop by the Graduate School Fair to speak with an admissions representative about U-M's MSW and PhD programs. The fair is free and open to anyone considering graduate school.