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Showing events on September 21, 2015

  1. #SpeakerSeries - Presentation by Professor Laura Sanders

    September 21, 2015 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Title: A Local Community Response to the Injustice of Increased Immigration Enforcement

    This discussion will highlight the work of a local, all-volunteer, community organization called the Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights (WICIR) that has been actively responding to the injustice of increased immigration enforcement in our area for the past 7 years. Come learn the basics about the social justice issues and effects of increased immigration enforcement on individuals, families and communities, and how this organization's unique approach to integrating community organization principals with interpersonal practice and policy-changing strategies has provided an organic and effective response

    Lunch will by provided!

    RSVP here »

  2. St. Mary's Class Visit

    September 21, 2015 - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    An admissions representative will be coming to St. Mary's College's BSW program to present on U-M's MSW program.

  3. So Cool So Just Pre-Fair

    September 21, 2015 - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM ET

    The So Cool So Just pre-fair will provide info for groups participating in the fair, but its primary focus will be creating a space for student orgs to connect with one another, share best practices, address needed resources, and plan with one another.

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