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Showing events on April 29, 2015

  1. Wear Denim to Support Denim Day - Raise Awareness for Sexual Assault Month

    April 29, 2015 (all day)

    Denim Day is April 29 and is based on an incident of rape where the assailant's case was dismissed due to the fact that the victim's jeans were "'so tight" that she supposedly had to consent in order to get them off. The denim began a symbol of the many misconceptions surrounding sexual violence and to bring awareness of the societal idealization of victim blaming.

    There will be a table at the U-M SSW to raise awareness about Safehouse (resource for female victims of abuse) and Denim Day. Information will be available via brochures/flyers and an advocate from Safehouse on April 11. Please wear denim (jeans, jacket, vest etc.) on April 29 to show your support.  


  2. Student & Alumni Reception - Chicago

    April 29, 2015 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET

    Please join the U-M School of Social Work in Chicago!

    SSW alumni are invited to a special evening reception to reconnect with fellow alumni and meet current School of Social Work students who are interested in practicing in the Chicago area.

    Register now»

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