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Showing events on April 25, 2015

  1. Alumni Day of Service - Ann Arbor

    April 25, 2015 - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET

    Help fight hunger with your fellow SSW alumni in a morning of service at Food Gatherers. We will be sorting and repackaging food to distribute to our hungry neighbors in Washtenaw County. Friends and family (ages 8+ with a parent, 14+ as an individual) are welcome.

    Hosted by the School of Social Work Office of Development and Alumni Relations and the Alumni Relations Committee of the Alumni Board of Governors.

    Register now»

  2. Alumni Day of Service - Grand Rapids

    April 25, 2015 - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET


    Join your fellow SSW alumni at Dégagé Ministries, an organization providing help and hope to homeless and disadvantaged individuals in our community.Volunteers will first participate in a tour and overview of Dégagé, followed by volunteer projects. Projects may include sorting donations, deep cleaning projects, a neighborhood walk to clean up trash, or a project to help promote programs. 

    Hosted by the School of Social Work Office of Development and Alumni Relations and the Alumni Relations Committee of the Alumni Board of Governors.

  3. Alumni Day of Service - Detroit

    April 25, 2015 - 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET

    Join your fellow SSW alumni in an afternoon of service at American Indian Health and Family Services (AIHFS), a non-profit health center serving the Native American community of Southeastern Michigan, where we will work with AIHFS youth in their garden.

    Hosted by the School of Social Work Office of Development and Alumni Relations and the Alumni Relations Committee of the Alumni Board of Governors.

    Register now»

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