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Showing events on April 21, 2015

  1. Classes end

    April 21, 2015 ET

    Classes end for Winter 2015 term.

  2. MSW Student Study Break

    April 21, 2015 - 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM ET

    Time to relax, grab a bite, and mingle with peers

    When: Thursday & Friday April 16-17 &  Monday & Tuesday April 20-21, 2015 

    Time: 10-1pm 

    Where: McGregor Commons

    Refreshments will be available.

    Please remember to complete Course Evaluations!

    Sponsored by The Dean's Office and The Office of Student Services

  3. Male Patients of Partner Violence in Emergency Departments: Victims of Gender-Based Violence?

    April 21, 2015 - 4:00 PM ET

    Join us for a talk by Dr. Choi, assistant professor for the Department of Social Work at Hong Kong University.

    Dr. Wai Man Choi specializes in family violence, intimate partner violence, in-law conflict, conflict resolution and family & youth.  She will speak on her research in Hong Kong involving partner violence and victim support programs.

  4. End of Term Potluck Picnic

    April 21, 2015 - 5:30 PM ET

    The Leadership in Community Benefit Organizations Program is excited to host an End-of-Term Potluck Picnic at the Tropman home.
    We are looking forward to celebrating all of the amazing work you have completed this term as well as celebrating our May graduates!

    On the Google Doc below please indicate:

    If you will be joining us

    If you will be bringing a dish

    If you need a ride from the School of Social Work at 5PM

    If you are able to drive from the School of Social Work at 5PM

    Potluck Picnic RSVP Google Doc

    Congratulations on making it through this (cold) term and we look forward to seeing you at the picnic!

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