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Showing events starting from March 1, 2015 up to March 31, 2015

  1. Mary Sue and Kenneth Coleman Student Global Experience Fund Deadline

    March 1, 2015 (all day)

    Awarded to students to help fund their global experiences.


  2. Certificate in Advanced Clinical Dementia Practice

    March 2, 2015 (all day)

    The Certificate in Integrated Behavioral Health and Primary Care (IBHPC) is designed for direct clinical practitioners -- social workers, nurses, care managers, psychologists, and physicians -- who deliver or plan to deliver integrated health services, and who serve populations often presenting with complex needs in physical health, mental health, and substance use. Participants will gain assessment, intervention, and consultation skills with practical applications in the workplace, and will link with a peer learning community to discuss and explore new skills and ideas.

    Please see the following link to learn more:

    Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.

  3. APPLY NOW! Fall 2015 Field Seminar Peer Facilitator Positions

    March 2, 2015 to March 20, 2015

    Gain Practical Skills ~ Receive Course Credit ~ Facilitate Field Seminar!

    The Office of Field Instruction is looking for students interested in facilitating the Foundation Field Seminar Course for Fall Term 2015

    Benefits for being a facilitator include:

    Receiving course credit

    Contributing to improving field seminar

    Developing professional skills in facilitation and peer consultation

    Helping fellow students navigate the field instruction process


    Applications are due to the OFI by March 20, 2015

    Current Peer Facilitators will be available for Q&A in the Commons between 12:00 and 1:00 the week of Mon, 3/9 through Fri, 3/13 (excluding Tues, 3/10)

    Interviews will take place the week of Mon, 3/23 through Fri, 3/27

    Final Selections will be made by Monday, March 30, 2015

    Applications are available electronically and in the Office of Field Instruction (1704 SSWB).

  4. MSW Prospective Student Session

    March 3, 2015 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET

    This session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work MSW program. Topics covered will include: MSW Curriculum, Dual Degree Programs, Application Process, Financial Aid, and more.

    Click here to RSVP »

  5. VIBES Session

    March 3, 2015 - 5:00 PM ET

    Come join the next brainstorming and dialogue VIBES Session.

    Visualize the #1 School of Social Work leveraging the infinite potential that we collectively possess

    Impact and improve your school environment, climate, and experience
    Build community
    Engage in processing issues that are important to you
    Support each other in our unified growth

    If you have any specific ideas or interests for events, you are invited to send them to Phyllis Shelman ([email protected]), the SSW Student Union Social Chair.

    Some of the items we hope to hear from you about are, knowing we have a space, what you want to get out of that space. These could be:

    Things you're passionate about
    Things you want to process or debrief in a shared space
    Things that you like to do for self care and would like to do with others
    Something that I didn't mentioned that you're thinking of because you are awesome and creative and have lots of thoughts in your head (and are willing to share)
    Things you'd want to hear someone talk about or you'd like to lead a discussion on

    Please RSVP here»

    This event is sponsored by the School of Social Work Student Union, The Office of Student Services, and the Dean's Office.

  6. Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Annual Conference

    March 4, 2015 to March 7, 2015

    An admissions representive will exhibit at the Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Annual Conference in Kansas City, MO to share information about U-M's MSW and PhD programs. 

  7. Resilient Traveling Website Demonstration

    March 4, 2015 - 12:00 PM ET

    Join us for a demonstration and discussion of a new U-M website.

    This website was developed to help students think proactively about challenges they may encounter and build skills to help them manage stress and enhance their experiences abroad

  8. Prospective Student Meeting - Washington, DC

    March 5, 2015 - 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM ET

    This session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work's MSW & PhD Programs. Topics covered will include: MSW/PhD Curriculum, Dual Degree Programs, Application Process, Degree Requirements, and Financial Aid.  Stay for a reception immediatelly following to meet current students and alumni of the School of Social Work.

  9. Student & Alumni Reception - Washington, DC

    March 5, 2015 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET

    Please join the U-M School of Social Work in Washington, DC!

    You’re invited to a special evening reception for School of Social Work alumni and friends to network with fellow alumni
    and connect with current students interested in practicing in the DC area.

    Register now»

  10. Classes resume

    March 9, 2015 ET

March 2015

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