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Showing events on March 3, 2015

  1. MSW Prospective Student Session

    March 3, 2015 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET

    This session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work MSW program. Topics covered will include: MSW Curriculum, Dual Degree Programs, Application Process, Financial Aid, and more.

    Click here to RSVP »

  2. VIBES Session

    March 3, 2015 - 5:00 PM ET

    Come join the next brainstorming and dialogue VIBES Session.

    Visualize the #1 School of Social Work leveraging the infinite potential that we collectively possess

    Impact and improve your school environment, climate, and experience
    Build community
    Engage in processing issues that are important to you
    Support each other in our unified growth

    If you have any specific ideas or interests for events, you are invited to send them to Phyllis Shelman ([email protected]), the SSW Student Union Social Chair.

    Some of the items we hope to hear from you about are, knowing we have a space, what you want to get out of that space. These could be:

    Things you're passionate about
    Things you want to process or debrief in a shared space
    Things that you like to do for self care and would like to do with others
    Something that I didn't mentioned that you're thinking of because you are awesome and creative and have lots of thoughts in your head (and are willing to share)
    Things you'd want to hear someone talk about or you'd like to lead a discussion on

    Please RSVP here»

    This event is sponsored by the School of Social Work Student Union, The Office of Student Services, and the Dean's Office.

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