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Showing events on January 26, 2015

  1. Emergent Research: Systematic Reviews

    January 26, 2015 - 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM ET

    Informationists from Taubman Health Sciences Library will give a lecture on systematic reviews as publications and discuss appropriate literature search methodologies for writing systematic reviews based on their experiences in the health sciences. Many social work faculty have or may in the future write a systematic review. Social work students use systematic reviews to find unbiased, thorough evidence from many studies, gathered and evaluated in one publication. Come to this presentation to learn more about systematic reviews.

    Location: Hatcher Graduate Library, Gallery (Room 1)

    For additional information see the library description of this event. No registration is required. 

  2. Advanced Field Peer Consultation Group

    January 26, 2015 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    The Peer Consultation Group offers a seminar-like experience where students can come to consult each other with field-related issues/support. The groups are open and drop-in. You can come to as many or as little as you like. 

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