Showing events starting from February 28, 2019
2022 Leon and Josephine Winkelman Memorial Virtual Lecture | Part II
February 16, 2022 - 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM ET
The Leon and Josephine Winkelman Lecture Series was established at the University of Michigan School of Social work by the Winkelman brothers - Stanley J., John, Frederick R., and Henry R. - as a memorial to their parents.
The lecture series provides a forum for the presentation of new and emerging knowledge from the social sciences and the helping professions in the field of gerontology and for the discussion of the applications of such knowledge to the development of social policy, the organization and management of social welfare services, and the delivery of social work services.
Event Recording 2022 Virtual Winkelman Lecture Part II The Future of LGBTQ+ Caregiving: Visibility and TransformationAngela K. Perone, PhD, JD, MSW, MA, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow, National Academy of Medicine, Fellow, U.S. Senate
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted and underscored caregiving issues across the globe. Many communities have adapted to new circumstances that require new approaches to caregiving. LGBTQ+ communities are no different. However, with a rich and unique history of caregiving from families of choice, LGBTQ+ communities offer important insights for caregiving for a larger population. To understand these possibilities, this discussion will provide a brief historical overview of LGBTQ+ caregiving, discuss key issues and hot topics, and conclude with a vision for the future.
Angela (Angie) K. Perone, PhD, JD, MSW, MA is currently a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow through the National Academy of Medicine and currently serving as a staff member in the U.S. Senate. Upon completing this fellowship, Perone will join the faculty at the University of California Berkeley School of Social Welfare where she will also lead its Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services. Perone is a licensed attorney and interdisciplinary scholar. Her research focuses on the intersection of law and social services with a particular focus on healthy and equitable aging, caregiving, and rights construction among health and social service providers. Perone previously served as a civil rights attorney. During this time she engaged in trial and appellate advocacy, policy, and education on racial justice, health, and caregiving issues and oversaw a national LGBTQ+ Elder Law Program. She subsequently served as the founding Executive Director of SAGE Metro Detroit where she grew its annual budget from under $50,000 to over $750,000 in five years and helped to provide new services for LGBTQ+ older adults in Michigan. While in Michigan, she was appointed to serve two terms on Michigan's State Advisory Council on Aging.
New American Leaders: Michigan BIPOC Elected Officials Paving the Way
February 17, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in elected office are powerful and pave the way for other underrepresented communities to join the political process. Join us as we discuss running for elected office as a BIPOC individual, how to become a candidate, representation and identity, and hear from several BIPOC candidates and elected officials who will be joining us as panelists. Speakers TBD.
This session will be co-sponsored by New American Leaders (NAL), an organization dedicated to increasing the diversity of our elected officials by recruiting and training candidates of color to run for office and manage campaigns. NAL President, Ghida Dagher, will co-moderate this session.
Event Recording -
Sexual Grief and The Hero's Journey
February 18, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET
Pain and memories from sexual grief ambush clients and make them feel as if they have been taken hostage. Every time the surge of emotions arrives on the scene, the hostage feels exposed and hopeless. Sexual grief is often confused with sexual trauma, and though they work in tandem, they are separate. Learn to distinguish between the story of sexual trauma and the effect of grief on those stories. The silences get broken and the hostage gets released.
The Hero's Journey will be used to show a systematic approach to breaking through the status quo of the dark night of the soul that sexual grief exposes. The self needs a base of empathy, empowerment and a strategy that also includes hostage negotiating techniques to face the non-linear aspect of sexual grief. Everyone has a warning label, the warning label portrays self-protection and what needs to be dealt with while in the depths of the cave.Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.
The Storytellers Series
February 22, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET
A three-part workshop series in creative storytelling.
All workshops will be virtual and offered free to students & community members:
Session One: February 22, 12 - 2 PM on Oral History & Performance Storytelling
Session Two: March 7, 12 - 2 PM on Digital Storytelling
Session Three: March 8, 12 - 2 PM Singer-Songwriter Storytelling
Self Care for Social Workers (for MSW Students)
February 22, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET
Self-care is a professional and ethical obligation for social workers. What does it look like to engage in regular, intentional, effective self-care? In this 90-minute virtual workshop we will explore what self-care looks like in practice and share specific strategies to manage stress and improve well-being.
MSW students who attend this session may count this workshop as field hours with approval from their field instructor. If you are unable to attend these sessions there will be future workshops scheduled, dates tbd. For more information please contact the CAPS Embedded therapist Jamie Boschee, LLMSW at [email protected]
Undoing Racism Workgroup
February 24, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET
Undoing Racism is a community collective of students, staff, and faculty in the School of Social Work dedicated to fighting white supremacy at the individual, school, and structural levels.This workgroup was established in 2019 after students, staff, and faculty took part in the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond Undoing Racism© workshops. Since then, the Undoing Racism workgroup has been working to implement the People’s Institute anti-racist community organizing model – recognizing that community organizing within our school is critical to move toward an anti-racist and anti-oppressive program to bring along all members of the community.
The Undoing Racism workgroup also emphasizes the role that white members of our community must take on to dismantle and undo white supremacist structures that benefit and maintain power for white people. Our work has largely been focused on building collective community – a fundamental step in the People’s Institute organizing model. Our dialogue and strategic planning to advance towards an anti-racist and anti-oppressive program and school community must begin with building relationships and strengthening community bonds to engage in internal and external anti-racism work.
Meetings are held monthly on the last Thursday of the month from 12-2pm. All members of our school community are invited to attend.
Upcoming Meetings:
March 24, 2022
April 28, 2022
May 26, 2022
Contact: [email protected]
For Prospective Students - Connect Virtually with a Current MSW Student!
February 24, 2022 - 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM ET
What's the program really like? Where is your field placement? What do social work students do for fun? Join an MSW student as well as other prospective MSW students for a live webchat about the School of Social Work. Our MSW students are excited to answer any questions that you have and share their feedback about the program.
MSW Prospective Student Information Session
February 24, 2022 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET
This online session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work MSW program. Topics covered will include: Online Program, On-Campus Program, Curriculum Options, Application Process, Financial Aid, and more!
Motivational Interviewing: Beginning Skill Mastery
February 25, 2022 - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET
This instructional and skill-building workshop provides a basic introduction to the Motivational Interviewing approach first popularized by William Miller & Stephen Rollnick. Utilizing lecture, role-playing practice and group discussion, this course will lay a foundation for participants to begin to develop their clinical skills in helping people accomplish change in areas of difficult behavior, for which ambivalence is an expectation rather than an exception.
Registration for this course is closed. Visit the CE Course Catalog for more offerings.
Spring break begins at noon
February 26, 2022 ET