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Showing events starting from March 1, 2022 up to March 31, 2022

  1. MSW Virtual Open House 2022 MSW Virtual Open House 2022

    March 11, 2022 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET

    MSW Virtual Open House is focused on providing information for students admitted to or applying for the MSW program. 

    This online session will address many questions that students have before starting the MSW program. Faculty, staff, and students of the MSW program will be available to discuss the curriculum, field placement, career services, and more. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the session. Join us!

    The session will be recorded and a copy will be sent to everyone who RSVPs. Students who cannot join live will receive the recording link.

    Session Slides

    Questions Log

    Session Recording
  2. MSW Prospective Student Information Session

    March 22, 2022 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET

    This online session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the University of Michigan School of Social Work MSW program. Topics covered will include: Online Program, On-Campus Program, Curriculum Options, Application Process, Financial Aid, and more!

    Click here to RSVP »

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