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Social Justice Changemaker Lecture


Incarceration and its Aftermath:
How art can create pathways to reintegration and healing

Join us for a discussion between Reuben J. Miller and Nicole R. Fleetwood on the impact of mass incarceration on individuals and society, what life is like after incarceration, and the healing power of art for people impacted by the carceral system.

The Social Justice Changemaker Lecture was established by a generous gift from Dr. Neil C. Hawkins and Annmarie F. Hawkins and the Hawkins Family. This annual lecture focuses on important global social justice issues including race and nationality, immigration and refugees, income inequality, gender identity and sexual orientation, education, health, and mental and physical disabilities. The Lecture aims to bring prominent social justice experts and advocates from multiple disciplines, including social sciences, science, humanities, the arts, and the professions, to the University of Michigan Campus.

Event Schedule:
12:00 pm Registration Opens
12:30-2:00 pm Lecture
2:00-3:00 pm Reception

Registration is closed. This event will be live-streamed on the SSW front page and you are welcome to attend the in-person event as a walk-in. We will take walk-in registration as capacity allows.

The Social Justice Changemaker Lecture is hosted by the School of Social Work with the support of our co-sponsors:

LSA College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

LSA Residential College

University of Michigan Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Prison Creative Arts Project

University of Michigan Poverty Solutions

University of Michigan Center for Racial Justice

Carceral State Project

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