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Community Conversation: The Role and Perception of Social Workers in Interdisciplinary Work


MSW student facilitators Shani Horn and L Tantay invite you to a Community Conversation about the role and perception of social workers in interdisciplinary work on Friday, March 31st, from 12-1pm online via Zoom.

Social workers fulfill indispensable roles on interdisciplinary teams and in interdisciplinary education. Perceptions of the scope and characteristics of social work in such settings may differ within the social work community as well as among other professionals and learners. How do we characterize our role as social workers to ourselves and to other professionals? How might perceptions of social work and social workers by other professionals affect our roles and our community? We hope that you will join us to discuss this complex topic, exploring our experiences as well as some of the impressions and beliefs surrounding the role of social workers on interdisciplinary teams and in interdisciplinary programs.

This is a time for conversation - to share feelings, expand our minds, and talk together as a school community. To aid the conversation, space will be limited. (We know it's coming up soon, so if you miss it, don't fear! If there is a lot of interest in this topic, we can hold another session soon.)

About the format. With these smaller Community Conversations, our hope is to explore restorative dialogue and build community, creating a space where we are all teachers and learners. We will draw heavily on practices from intergroup dialogue and restorative justice.

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Event Details

  • Online
  • Hannah McPherson
  • [email protected]
  • 3/31/2023 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
This event has no location.

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