This discussion is co-sponsored by the University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy's Poverty Solutions.
From the cash bail system, to fines and fees while incarcerated, to the cost of reentering society, our society functions on a punitive system of fines and fees that often catapults those already experiencing hardship into a spiraling cycle of debt and repayments - never fully able to catch up. Join us as we explore the inequity surrounding fines and fees in our criminal justice system and its role in increasing race-based disparities. Featured panelists include Washtenaw County Prosecutors Eli Savit and Victoria Burton-Harris; and Dr. Meghan O’ Neil, Research Scholar at the Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research. This panel will be facilitated by MSW Student and Co-founder of Michigan Liberation, Nicholas Buckingham.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106