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Virtual Discussion on COVID-19: Stigma, Physical Distancing, and Solidarity


Dear Social Work Community:

For the past two weeks, the Faculty Allies for Diversity (FAD) in collaboration with the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DEI), has held social support virtual conversations among those individuals wishing to prevent and stop stigmatization and all issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The April 2nd conversation will add a focus on physical distancing and solidarity.

Please join:

  • Facilitator: Rogério Pinto 
  • Faculty Allies Co-Chairs Rogério Pinto and Addie Weaver
  • DEI Director Larry Gant
  • Faculty Allies members: Trina Shanks, Todd Herrenkohl, David Córdova and Lorraine Gutiérrez

We look forward to having a robust discussionCOVID-19: Stigma, Physical Distancing, and Solidarity

Event Details

  • Online
  • 4/2/2020 - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
This event has no location.

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