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Student Forum on School Climate: Part 2


On October 29, 2018, MSW students gathered for the Student Forum on School Climate. This event featured an overview of the school climate survey results from a survey conducted last year. Following the climate survey results, students were able to de-brief the results in small groups. After the small group de-briefs, students expressed an interest in furthering the conversation. Attending students wanted more time to discuss the issues and to begin problem solving. 

The Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion would like for students to join the 2nd Student Forum on School Climate. The structure of this upcoming event will be much like a hackathon. Students will break out into small groups to problem solve on the following topics: Addressing Privilege & Oppression, Community & Connectivity, Curriculum & Classroom Experience, Student Recruitment & Welcoming, and Support for Students.

Lunch will be provided. 


Event Details

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