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MSW Student Leadership/Organization Training


All organizations must also register with the Center for Campus Involvement (CCI) once a year so that you are recognized within the greater University as well. The deadline to register with CCI is September 30th. Organizations that fail to re-register by September 30th will be considered inactive and their SOAS accounts will be frozen until it is completed. 

Please note that all SSW student organizations will need to register with the Office of Student Services each fall and winter semester. The student org. training session is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 19th, at 12:30 pm in room 1636, please RSVP here.

A $50 grant will be given to all student organizations that complete the registration process with both OSS and CCI. 

*Registration with OSS and the Center for Campus Involvement is necessary in order to reserve space in the SSW and also to acquire funding sponsorship from OSS.

If you have any questions, please contact Nyshourn Price at ([email protected]).

Student Org. Resources:

Event Details

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