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The Inaugural Community Action and Research Conference


The Community Action and Research Learning Community invite three activists engaged scholars from different fields who will provide their perspectives on Community Action and Research in their work. Here are some details about the speakers:

  • Sharon Egretta Sutton is professor emerita of architecture, urban design and planning, and social work at the University of Washington, where she served on the faculty 1998-2016. She became an architecture educator in 1975, having taught at Pratt Institute, Columbia University, the University of Cincinnati, and the University of Michigan where she became the first African American woman to become a full professor in an accredited architectural degree program.
  • Monica White is Professor of Environmental Justice at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.Her research engages communities of color and grassroots organizations that are involved in the development of sustainable community food systems as a strategy to respond to issues of hunger and food inaccessibility. Her publications include, "Sisters of the Soil: Urban Gardening as Resistance Among Black Women in Detroit" and "D-Town Farm: African American Resistance to Food Insecurity and the Transformation of Detroit."
  • Kevin Nadal is Professor of Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate Center (CUNY). His main areas of research have been Microaggressions, Gender & Sexuality Issues, Filipino American issues and Systemic Oppression in Criminal Justice. Nadal has served in many other leadership roles in the greater psychology community, as well as in organizations committed to uplifting communities of color and LGBTQ people.

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