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Showing events on October 7, 2019

  1. DEI Summit 2019: Community Assembly & Discussion

    October 7, 2019 - 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM ET

    The 2019 DEI Summit Community Assembly & Discussion highlights Year 3 progress of the U-M DEI Strategic Plan and kicks off the Year 4 implementation.

    This year's keynote speaker features Van Jones--political commentator, author, and host of CNN's The Redemption Project and The Van Jones Show--followed by a roundtable discussion involving campus-based initiatives. The event will also include remarks from U-M President Mark Schlissel and senior leadership.

    Van Jones is President & Founder of the nonprofit, Dream Corps -- a justice incubator that houses the following initiatives: #cut50, #YesWeCode, #GreenForAll, and #LoveArmy. All with the overarching goal to create innovative solutions that "close prison doors and open doors of opportunity." Van has also led a number of other social and environmental justice enterprises, including The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Color of Change.

    A Yale-educated attorney, Van has written three New York Times Bestsellers. In 2009, Van worked as the green jobs advisor to the Obama White House. He has earned many honors, including the World Economic Forum’s "Young Global Leader" designation, Rolling Stone’s 12 Leaders Who Get Things Done, Fast Company's 12 Most Creative Minds On Earth, a Webby Special Achievement Award and Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.

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