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Showing events starting from April 1, 2019 up to April 30, 2019

  1. Destigmatizing Mental Health: Free the Mind Wellness Fair Destigmatizing Mental Health: Free the Mind Wellness Fair

    April 3, 2019 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Come take an opportunity to relax and unwind at the Free the Mind Wellness Fair! The fair will feature self-care activities, games, healthy snacks, and on-campus resources that support wellness. Michelle Mattison will also lead a yoga session from 12:30-1:30 PM in room 1636. If you plan to attend the yoga session, please RSVP below.

    If you have any questions regarding this event, please reach out to Mental Health Matters ([email protected]) or the DEI Office ([email protected]).

    RSVP here (for Yoga) »

    Join us later that evening for the Destigmatizing Mental Health Panel and Discussion.

    Co-sponsored by Mental Health Matters, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Office of Student Services.

  2. Destigmatizing Mental Health: Panel & Discussion Destigmatizing Mental Health: Panel & Discussion

    April 3, 2019 - 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM ET

    This panel discussion will feature faculty, staff and students sharing their expert knowledge & personal experiences surrounding the intersection of mental health & diversity. Participants will be given an opportunity to engage with the content of the panel discussion in small groups following the panel.

    If you have any questions regarding this event, please reach out to Mental Health Matters ([email protected]) or the DEI Office ([email protected]).

    RSVP here »

    Feel free to join us earlier in the day for the Free the Mind Wellness Fair!

    Co-sponsored by Mental Health Matters, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Office of Student Services.

  3. Every Star Deserves to Shine: Disability Awareness Workshop Every Star Deserves to Shine: Disability Awareness Workshop

    April 6, 2019 - 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM ET

    "Hope, Cope, and Learn about Disabilities,"

    Come join us in gaining insight into living and working with people with a disability 


    12 -12:40 PM Welcome, Panel & Lunch

    12:45 -1:30 PM Concurrent workshops

    1:30- 2:20 PM Concurrent workshops

    2:25 - 3:10 PM Concurrent workshops

    3:15 - 4 PM Closing remarks


    Darold Gholston, MSW Candidate – Opening remarks

    Professor Shanna Kattari, Ph.D., MEd, ACS, University of Michigan School of Social Work

    Jill Rice, The University of Michigan Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)

    Allie Young, Assistant Manager of Dining

    Alex Gossage, Center for Independent Living (CIL) 

    Jennifer Hays, American Learning with John C. Scott, Esq.


    Seeing From a Visually Impairment Perspective - Kathy Christensen of Washtenaw Intermediate School District & Peggy Pantelis of Macomb Intermediate School District (room B780)

    How to Interact with People Who Have Mobility Challenges - Alex Gossage, Center for Independent Living (CIL) and guest (room B798)

    How to Work with the Deaf & Hard of Hearing - Jill Rice, The University of Michigan Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) (room B684)

    Lunch will be served.

     Please RSVP »

    Sponsored by:

    Darold Gholston and The University of Michigan School of Social Work

  4. DEI Open House

    April 10, 2019 - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET

    Come drop in to learn more about what the DEI office has accomplished, upcoming initiatives, or just relax and share your ideas! Participants can come and go freely during this event. Light snacks will be available, and students, staff, and faculty are all encouraged to participate.

April 2019

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