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Showing events on October 18, 2018

  1. Telling Our Own Stories: A Visual Storytelling Workshop on Disability Life at U-M Telling Our Own Stories: A Visual Storytelling Workshop on Disability Life at U-M

    October 18, 2018 - 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET

    Panelists: Victor Strecher, Ph.D., Professor, Health Behavior & Health Education and Director for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship; and Patricia F. Anderson, Emerging Technologies Informationist for the Health Sciences; with surprise special guests

    Comics allow us to explain feelings and events in ways that bridge time and space and identity in unexpected ways. Comics can give us a way to tell stories we might not tell in other ways, or which might not be heard if we did. In this two part workshop, we’ll first hear from people about why and how comics worked for their stories, followed by a workshop activity for artists and storytellers to collaborate on telling stories about life with disabilities.


    Investing in Ability Events

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