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Showing events on April 2, 2020

  1. CASC 10 Year Anniversary Celebration CASC 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

    April 2, 2020 - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM ET


    Since 2010, the CASC minor is a space that fosters community among students engaged in social change and provides course work and experiences aimed at helping students deepen their understanding of what it means to be a change agent. Join us in celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the minor, and the community that shape the direction, work, voice, and vision for the future.

    The 10-year anniversary celebration will highlight the history of the minor, commemorate alumni, and lift up the work of current students committed to social change, in diverse contexts. The program will feature presentations and performances by alumni, and highlight reflections and community focused initiatives led by students in the minor.  

    The program will conclude with a roll out of the Community Art Installation, designed by CASC students and alumni to commemorate the vision of the minor, and honor the role of activism, social movements, and core principles of community-based action.

    We look forward to celebrating the CASC 10 year anniversary with the broader campus community, and invite your participation in this exciting occasion.

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