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Theories and Principles of Socially Just Policies

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SW638, Section 001

In this course, students will be exposed to various theoretical frameworks informing policy development and gain an understanding of basic economic principles frequently employed in policy debates and discussions. With this knowledge, students will be able to identify, in a more sophisticated and nuanced way, policies that promote social justice and those that do not; understand how certain theoretical frameworks and ideas have been used to oppress and empower different groups, and identify points of interventions within existing institutions.

One part of the course will cover different concepts of justice, fairness, and equity as they apply to public policy. Students will also interrogate ideas about neoliberalism, capitalism, globalization, and financialization and their influence on policies. Students will be introduced to concepts from economic theory that often used to promote or thwart the development of certain policies. This includes the concepts of supply and demand; market failure; and public goods.

Semester: Fall 2025
Instructor: Justin D. Hodge
U-M Class #: 29521
Program Type: Residential
Format: In-Person
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

Pathway Associations

Community Change
Interpersonal Practice
Mgmt & LeadershipElective
Policy & PoliticalRequirement (Host)
Program EvaluationElective
Older Adults
Children & FamiliesElective

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