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Social Work Practice in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

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SW699, Section 001

This course teaches practice models and multi-level methods of intervention for effective social work practice in health care, including health promotion, disease prevention, assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, continuing care, and discharge planning. Examples of topics covered include the use of the current ICD system in assessment, screening and early intervention, workplace health promotion, crisis intervention, intervention in major catastrophic or chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, and depression; promotion of optimal adaptation to chronic illness through interpersonal, organizational, and environmental interventions; self-help and mutual aid, rehabilitation and continuing care, supporting caregivers and integrative and complementary interventions. Selected issues and methods in supervision and management are addressed, such as individual, peer and workgroup models on practice. The impact of differences in ability, age, class, color, culture, ethnicity, family structure, gender (including gender identity and gender expression) marital status, national origin, race, religion or spirituality, sex, and sexual orientation will be examined , as these relate to various health practices, policies and services.

Semester: Spring / Summer 2018
Instructor: Debra K. Mattison
Category: HLTH Methods
U-M Class #: 60994
Program Type: Residential
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

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