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Skills and Strategy for Community Change (Urban Planning)

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SW653, Section 001

This course will engage students in learning core cross-cutting skills needed for engaging in community change. It will use a framework of “ Scan” - “Plan” – “Do” – “Review” to help organize skills. Learning to infuse cross-cutting principles including critical Praxis.

Scan- Assessment and Scanning Skills (individual to community).
Illustrative skills may include: social identity assessments, individual skills assessments, story of self/personal motivational assessments, community power mapping, asset/strength assessments, organizational/community scans, and neighborhood mapping

Plan- Planning Skills.
Illustrative skills may include: participatory community planning, strategy charts, implementation of planning steps, logic charts and theory of change

Do- Action Skills.
Illustrative skills may include: one-on-ones (formal and informal), facilitating participatory meetings, coalition-building techniques and considerations, policy advocacy, program development, intergroup facilitation, and community mobilization

Review- Community reflection and Evaluation Skills.
Illustrative skills may include: critical reflection, program/organizational evaluation, monitoring,
campaign analysis, and participatory evaluation

Semester: Fall 2025
Instructor: TBA
U-M Class #: 25008
Program Type: Residential
Format: In-Person
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

Pathway Associations

Community ChangeRequirement (Host)
Interpersonal Practice
Mgmt & Leadership
Policy & Political
Program Evaluation
Older Adults
Children & Families

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