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School Social Worker Policy and Services

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SW642, Section 001

This course will present knowledge and critical skills for analyzing educational programs and policies for preschool, elementary, and secondary schools functioning under public and private auspices. The five topical areas will include: 1) an overview of educational programs and policies in the United States for individuals of all ages and their families; 2) the structure nd policies for educational institutions at the elementary, secondary, technical, and vocational levels; 3) issues and needs arising from economic and social discrimination that can be addressed in educational settings; 4) issues about the right to education of oppressed and special populations (including children and youth with mental, physical, and emotional disabilities, economic and geographic disadvantages, and diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds); and 5) the roles of social work and social workers in enhancing educational opportunity and performance. Noteworthy social work programs in various educational institutions and settings will be analyzed, and proposals for change will be formulated to enhance educational achievement and well-being.

Semester: Winter 2019
Instructor: Beth A. Sherman
Category: SWPS School
U-M Class #: 13593
Program Type: Residential
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

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