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School Social Work Assessments

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SW626, Section 801

This course will present knowledge and critical skills to prepare for social work practice in school settings. The five topical areas will include: 1) an brief overview of educational programs and legislation in the United States for individuals of all ages and their families; 2) school social worker assessment tools and services for educational institutions at the pre-K elementary, and secondary levels. 3) assessing and responding to issues of economic and social discrimination in ways that center justice and educational access 4) laws, policies, and practices related to determination of qualification under special education rules within multi-disciplinary teams and response to intervention, multi-tied models 5) advocating for the right to education of oppressed and special populations (including children and youth with mental, physical, and emotional disabilities, TLBGQ youth, economic and geographic disadvantages, and diverse racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds). Students will learn comprehensive, multi-tiered and culturally relevant assessment protocols and techniques relevant to school based social work practice.

Semester: Spring / Summer 2025
Instructor: Beth A. Sherman
U-M Class #: 64433
Program Type: Online
Format: Online
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

Pathway Associations

Community Change
Interpersonal Practice
Mgmt & Leadership
Policy & Political
Program Evaluation
Older Adults
Children & FamiliesElective (Host)

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