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These courses may have been taken by previous Social Work students or may have been identified as of possible interest to Social Work students. Some courses may be restricted and/or not open to Social Work students. There are many other courses not listed offered elsewhere in the university that may be of interest. Interest in courses numbered below 500 should be checked for graduate level status since many are only offered for undergraduate credit. You can check this by contacting the department offering the course or contacting the SSW Registrar.

The information may not be up to date or complete. Please seek additional information from the department where the course is offered and from the instructors of the course. We strongly recommend you discuss your plans to take outside courses with your advisor to make sure they are a good fit for your educational program.

Human Rights SOC 475

School: Sociology
Credits: 2-4
Prerequisites: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
Course Description: Examines the idea of human rights: human rights in liberal democracies, especially in the United States; in pre-industrial societies; in totalitarian states. Studies human rights and cultural evolution; justification of human rights.


SectionInstructorDaysLocationU-M Class #
001Anspach, ReneeMon, Wed2255 NQ28896
TBDTBD-4128 LSA29051
TBDTBD-3242 LSA29052

Introduction to Medical Sociology SOC 475

School: Sociology
Credits: 3
Course Description: This course provides students with an understanding of the influence of social factors on health, illness and medical treatment. Topics to be covered include: the social nature of disease and illness, the social organization of medical care, medical education, the growth of alternative health care systems, medical ethics/bioethics, the ecology of health care, and the connection between faith, healing and medicine. We will also consider the way society influences our thinking about illness by exploring references to illness in literature and everyday discourse.


SectionInstructorDaysLocationU-M Class #
001Anspach, ReneeMon, Wed2255 NQ28896
TBDTBD-4128 LSA29051
TBDTBD-3242 LSA29052

Classical Sociological Theory SOC 475

School: Sociology
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Classical Sociological Theory
Course Description: Classical theory; Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and other important classical theorists and schools of thought.


SectionInstructorDaysLocationU-M Class #
001Anspach, ReneeMon, Wed2255 NQ28896
TBDTBD-4128 LSA29051
TBDTBD-3242 LSA29052

Community Organizing SOC 475

School: Sociology
Credits: 4
Course Description: Explores community organizing history, theory and practice. Emphasizes development of conceptual framework/practical skills for organizing effectively in the community for social, environmental and economic justice


SectionInstructorDaysLocationU-M Class #
001Anspach, ReneeMon, Wed2255 NQ28896
TBDTBD-4128 LSA29051
TBDTBD-3242 LSA29052

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