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Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Justice and Social Work

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SW725, Section 001

This course critically examines juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system in the United States. Students will be exposed to the theories that help professionals understand the development of delinquency within the context of individuals, families and communities. Understanding the mechanisms that contribute to delinquency is important for social work professionals as this understanding should directly guide the policies and practices of the justice system. This course will focus on some of the most pressing issues that face the juvenile justice system and the social work professionals that work within this system. Such issues include adolescent brain development, poverty, child maltreatment, substance abuse, mental health, disproportionate minority contact (DMC), incarceration, peer relationships, the school to prison pipeline, evidence based interventions and the role of ideology in juvenile justice policy. The course is designed for social work students interested in working in juvenile justice settings (micro or macro) or students interested in working with youth populations that may experience contact with the justice system. Students will observe juvenile delinquency proceedings in the Washtenaw County Court.

Semester: Winter 2019
Instructor: Joseph P. Ryan
U-M Class #: 26346
Program Type: Residential
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

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