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Interpersonal Practice Interventions in Integrated Health, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse (Adults)

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SW602, Section 801

The course will build on intervention therapy and practice from the foundation semester and promote more advanced intervention skill level of engagement, goal setting, use of evidence based and informed interventions, and the termination and evaluation phases of treatment. Particular focus will be on advanced clinical competency development regarding: 1. Engagement and rapport building, 2. Goal setting and problem solving, 3. Identifying and implementing appropriate intervention approaches, and 4. Termination and evaluation of treatment.

This course focuses on skill building to provide a range of brief, evidence-based and/or evidence -informed interventions including prevention, treatment and recovery as well as longer-term treatment and support for clients as appropriate. Examples include: 1. Case conceptualization, 2. Behavioral activation, 3. Cognitive restructuring, 4. Exposure, 5. Managing ambivalence and resistance, 6. Emotion regulation and distress tolerance, and 7. Trauma-sensitive mindfulness.

Core evidence-based/evidence-informed therapies will be the focus of this class including: 1. Motivational interviewing, 2. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and 3. emerging acceptance-based therapies such as Dialectical Behavioral therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).

Attention will be given to application of interventions with clients across diverse populations and needs, with a focus on common health and mental health conditions such as depression/anxiety, substance use, chronic pain, etc. Attention will also be given to application of interventions in a variety of integrated health, mental health, and substance abuse practice settings such as community mental health agencies, health care facilities and non-profit agencies.

Semester: Fall 2025
Instructor: TBA
U-M Class #: 27268
Program Type: Online
Format: Online
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

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