Social impact organizations secure resources through a variety of methods, including fees, grants, contracts, gifts, bequests, in-kind (non-cash) contributions, and investments. This course involves assessing an agency's resource mix and how to repackage or expand its revenue streams. Skill development will be emphasized in areas such as grant seeking, proposal writing, service contracting, donor development, direct solicitation of gifts, and planning of fundraising events. This course will also address emerging and changing fundraising trends.
Semester: | Spring / Summer 2020 |
Instructor: | Kathleen G. Doyle |
Category: | Advanced MHS Methods |
U-M Class #: | 60700 |
Program Type:
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Program Type describes the program in which you are pursuing, i.e., residential or online part-time.
At this time, residential students may not directly enroll in online program courses, rather a course enrollment petition is required.
Residential |
Credits: | 3 Credit Hours |
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106