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Class Descriptions

LGBTQ+ Engagement and Empowerment in a Global Context


Credits: 1
Prerequisites: None

Course Description

This mini course addresses LGBTQ+ concerns across the globe – sexual and gender identity and expression, family of choice, community building, social justice, advocacy, and policy affecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer “plus” (LGBTQ+) people and communities. Students from all pathways will obtain knowledge by using a diversity and critical intersectionality framework. They will gain practice skills in critical thinking, reflexivity, research, advocacy, policy analysis, and culturally responsive practice. Students will work in small groups organized around specific themes (e.g., marriage equality, suicide, safer schools, adoption, etc.) matching their pathways requirements and/or social work interests. The work for each group includes detailed research and discussions on their chosen themes and how such themes affect people in different global environments. For example, how does marriage equality affect people of different social classes in developing countries? Students will identify and collect facts, opinions, statistics, and anecdotal data on the themes they choose from books, magazines, interviews, photographs, and the World Wide Web. They will organize the material as an artifact (e.g., poster, assemblage, installation), which will be shared using presentations, performances, discussions.

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