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Class Descriptions

Treatment Strategies for Sexual Dysfunction


Credits: 3
Prerequisites: SW 521/permission of instructor
Faculty Approval Date: 11/15/2006

Course Description

This course will address the practice theories and techniques for assessment, evaluation, and treatment of individuals and couples presenting with sexual difficulties. This course will provide grounding in the following perspectives: attachment theory, psycho-sexual development and functioning across the life span, physiology of sexual functioning, contemporary and historic approaches to understanding human sexual behavior, and the interaction of physiology, personality, and social influence in developing a sexual self. Variations in human sexual function and expression will be discussed from physiologic and sociocultural viewpoints. The practice component will address major clinical concepts, including assessment, evaluation, differential diagnosis, and treatment planning. Intervention techniques will be discussed considering their effectiveness with different kinds of sexual problems, in different practice settings, and respecting client differences, including the diverse dimensions (including ability, age, class, color, culture, ethnicity, family structure, gender (including gender identity and gender expression), marital status, national origin, race, religion or spirituality, sex, and sexual orientation). The applicability and limitations of different theoretical approaches will be discussed. This course will focus on empirically based models of intervention and the use of evaluative tools in the practice setting.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Describe the contemporary understanding of human sexual behavior as bio-psycho-social, and describe cultural variations within the United States, including knowledge about the ways in which cultural norms influence an individual's psycho-sexual development.
2. Describe the ways in which diversity dimensions especially age, ethnicity, gender, illness/disability, cultural teachings, and socioeconomic status (including impact of poverty) influence the expression of human sexual behavior.
3. Describe the physiology of human sexual function, including variations across gender and within gender.
4. Summarize the different theoretical models in the treatment of sexual difficulties and their basis in empirical research. Included will be cognitive/behavioral, couples/family systems, insight oriented, biologic/biofeedback, and brief treatment theories.
5. Discuss ethical decision making and sex therapy, as well as the impact of the therapist's values and reactions to sexual behavior and sexual difficulties.
6. Identify appropriate techniques for discussing sexual concerns and addressing the sexual difficulties of clients.
7. Describe and apply a number of evaluative techniques in assessing sexual difficulties.
8. Develop a differential diagnosis, and formulate a treatment plan based on a bio-psycho-social approach to the client's problem, while remaining sensitive to concerns based on the client's age, gender, race, ethnicity, social/cultural/religious norms, sexual orientation, and special abilities.
9. Discuss how methods of assessment and intervention may be affected by clinical setting, issues in the treatment relationship (including the impact of race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexual orientation, power and privilege), and by special issues presented by the client (including physical and sexual abuse, developmental disability, illness, severe psychiatric disturbance, and substance abuse).
10. Identify the meaning of human sexuality in the broader context of an individual's self-esteem and affectional life.


The instructor will select required and recommended readings. Class format will include lecture, discussion, case analysis, and viewing of videotapes. Written assignments will integrate theory, research, and case analysis, applied to the student's field instruction work when possible.

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